Category Archives: Remedies For Gout

Proper Gout Diet Prevents And Eases Gout Symptoms

Also referred to as “the disease of kings”, the occurrence and development of gout are strongly determined by improper diet. In the past, the disease predominantly affected nobles and royalty, due to their access to an abundance of foods that are known today to have high risks of causing gout. These days, many people are still confronted with gout, as they consume foods that interfere in the normal activity of the body. Mostly people living in developed societies are the ones who tend to be affected by […]

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Cherries As An Effective Natural Remedy For Gout

Gout is a type of arthritis caused by the excessive accumulation of uric acid inside the organism. In large amounts, uric acid forms crystals which deposit in various regions of the body, causing inflammation, pain and swelling of the joints. Uric acid is a waste product that results from purine metabolism. Although most cases of gout are hereditary, occurring due to genetically acquired renal dysfunctions which determine an inappropriate elimination of uric acid, gout is more likely to occur in people who consume large amounts of purine-rich […]

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Curing Gout Naturally

What is gout? Gout is a form of joint inflammation that is caused by excess uric acid in the body. This happens due to poor diet, stress and not enough sleep. Gout causes a sudden and severe pain – you’ll notice the skin over the affected joint is usually red and glossy. Often times, gout attacks come on as fast as overnight. Men between 30 and 50 years old are mostly affected by gout, for pre menopausal women, the uric acid level is lower, but after age […]

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How to Overcome the Symptoms of Gout

Gout is one of the oldest and most painful diseases known to man. In the middle ages a gout patient was described as someone who was rich, corpulent and aristocratic, particularly one with enormous appetite for food, drink and women. And it is almost and always associated with men. The symptoms of gout are irregular, excruciatingly painful attacks that are felt in the joints although typically each gouty episode affects one joint at a time. The most commonly affected joints are those of the big toe, which […]

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